One Prayer

I'm really excited that LifeSpring is going to be a part of One Prayer 2009!

One Prayer started out of the heart of the leaders at that the churches of the world would be the answer to Jesus' prayer in Luke 17:20-24, that we would be one! In 2008, God worked in amazing ways at 2 million believers stood together pray, fast, learn, and love others.

This year their going it again with the theme of "God is...". What was pretty amazing was the fact that we already had the month of June schedule with a teaching series called "Knowing God is..." and this was booked last year long before we knew anything about One Prayer! How cool is that?!??!

I'm excited to be joining over 1600 churches around the world as we look at who God is and how that should make an extraordinary difference in our lives and in the lives of the people of our communities. We'll be praying that we will be more bold in our service of those around us. We'll be praying that we'll be more bold in our giving to the church and to local and foreign missions. We'll be praying that local churches can work better and better together in our community to impact people for Christ!

Yup. I'm pumped! Hopefully you are too!


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