Last week was a great week. God has been doing so much in my life to stretch me and teach me and transform me into the man he wants me to be!

I was reminded of a very powerful reminder in a very simple song. One of my favorites songs of all time is the song "40" by U2. You can watch the video below or click HERE to link to see it on YouTube if you're reading this on Facebook.

This song came to mind as I was working through a bunch of stuff over the last few weeks. What I love so much about this song is the fact that it's taken right from the Bible. "40" is just a few verses from Psalm 40, which has become over the years one of my favorite Psalms.

What I love most from this Psalm is some incredible reminders on who God is and what he does for me.

The psalm opens with "I waited patiently for the Lord". I LOVE THAT! Sure, life is hard sometimes. Sure, sometimes I wish things would go exactly the way that I want. But I know that God hears my cries. He turns to me and hears them! Sometimes I just need to be patient. I know he's heard me in the past and he'll hear me again, each and every time!

It continues with "he lifted me out of the slimy pit" and "he set my feet on a rock". We've all gone through slimy pits in life. Some of us might be going through them right now. God picks us up out of those pits and puts us on that solid rock. That solid rock comes from the salvation that God provided in Jesus. I love this reminder that my rock is solid... and even though I might feel like I'm stuck in the mud and slime... my feet are secure on that rock!

"Many will see and hear and put their trust in the Lord." When we live a life of standing firm on the rock, people see it. All around us. We can chose to act and live like we're still in the slimy pit... or we can live in the reality that our feet are on a rock... and many will see and find themselves pulled out of their pits on put on this rock as well.

What a great reminder going into this new week. I think I'm going to listen to some U2 for the rest of the day :-)


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