Monday is the New Dreaming Day

This week I'm working on a new schedule. Kids going back to school will do that. Also, my awesome, amazing wife started a new job today. So in order to ensure that we have our weekly Date Day together, I'll be taking Thursdays off instead of Monday from now on.

Now, on Monday mornings I'm fried. Really fried. Some Mondays, especially after doing everything to get ready for Sunday Celebration, preaching and then our LifeGroup that evening, I feel like my brain has been hit by an angry bus. And because that bus was so angry, it backed up to hit me again :-)

I love taking time every single week to pray and dream about what God wants to do. I dream about what God wants to do in my life and my relationship with him. I dream about what God wants to do in my family to stretch us and grow us closer together. I dream about what God wants to do our the church that I pastor so that everyone will continue to grow in their spiritual journey.

Monday mornings with a fried brain makes a great time to pray and dream! It recoups me from the week before and gets my heart and mind excited about the coming week.

This morning I've been praying for my family. I've been praying for the people in our LifeGroup. I've been praying for the leaders of LifeSpring and their families. I've been praying about how God wants to stretch me. I've been praying about this CRAZY idea that God has put on my heart about writting a book (I'll blog more about that one... soon).

I love journaling my dreams for my life and our church. As I look back over the doodles and notes that I've scribbled over the last few months I'm just blown away by how much God has done in my life! It's such a blessing.

I love Mondays. :)


Robin said…
I love it! Keep dreaming!

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