How Do You Neighbour?

Are you looking forward to the summer? I know I am!

I love summer. I'm not normally a big outdoors kind of guy, but there's just something so great about sitting outside in my yard, enjoying a BBQ with family and friends. I've come to notice something interesting those in that enjoyment... all winter I'm hiding away in my home... and then come summer I'm hiding away in my back yard.

This week I started reading a book on vegetable gardening. Surprisingly this book taught me something very important that ties into our new sermon series, How to Neighbour. The book actually suggests to move our vegetable gardens from our backyards to the front. The reason: to get back into our communities and talk to our neighbours.

I just loved that simple idea. Instead of hiding in my backyard all summer, I'm not praying that God would give me opportunities to meet and connect more with my neighbourhood. And he has already started answering those prayers as I've been building garden boxes for the past week. Side note: if you follow me on Facebook you can see my garden project.

As followers of Jesus we are commanded to love our neighbours as ourselves. The summer time is a great time to do that. I would love to hear your stories on how you connect with those that live around you. Just comment here on the blog. Let's encourage one another to be the church as we enjoy the nice weather.


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