What a Difference 25 Years Makes...

Have you ever stopped to think just how much the world has changed in the last 25 years? I was recently reflecting on just this very thing… I was remembering “the olden days” of when I had internet service hooked up into my first apartment.

As a computer geek I was over the moon with the idea that I was going to connect to the internet super highway from my little single room apartment. Most people still really didn’t have any clue what the internet was. I was going to be able to access unlimited data at SUPER SPEED… I could finally download an entire song in just over an hour! I could download transcripts from experts and leaders from around the world. A 30 page document would take about 10-15 minutes to have it on my screen.

Today, that’s almost laughable! Now, just 25 years later, we live in a time when the entire world is available to us at the touch of screen that we keep in our back pocket. Now, I have access to literally every single song ever composed… and it takes milliseconds to receive it. Now, through tools like RightNow Media, I can watch ten of thousands of Bible studies in glorious hi-definition video from some of the greatest Bible teachers in the world.

What does the next 25 years hold in store for us?

The words of God through the prophet Isaiah have really been speaking to me lately as I ponder this… “So shall my word go forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void” (Isaiah 55:11). Last Saturday I was so blessed to attend a meeting where I learned that through the work of local churches around the world, it is predicted that the New Testament will be available in EVERY SINGLE language spoken on Earth in the next 25 years! And that it will be distributed easily and cheaply through technology.

That blows my mind! For the first time in human history the message of Jesus will be available in every human tongue. Just imagine what God is going to do through that. WOW!
Here at Greenbelt one of our core values is Relevant: We are the church of today. We play a role in bringing God’s Word to our family and friends, our classmates and colleagues, our city and nation, and beyond. As we continue to seek God’s will and explore new and exciting ways to disciple through and reach people with the Word of God, please join me in praying that God’s Word would go forth… and that it would not return void.

I look forward to all that God will do in and through each of us as we lead.


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