Finnally Home!

Who would have figured that it would have taken me two days to get home from Orange County, California! With the snow storm that hit the US I ended up stranded in Chicago. My connecting flight was canceled. They booked me on another flight for the next morning... but of course with the storm there was no guarantee that it would actually be leaving. Oh, and I was on my own to try to find a hotel.

Luckily, I have one friend in Chicago and made arrangements to crash at his place. It was great to chat with him and get caught up on each other lives. I was in bed at midnight and awake at 5am to head out back to the airport.

The airport was in chaos. I talked with at least a dozen people who couldn't find hotel accommodations and had to spend the entire night sleeping in the airport. I was thrilled when I learned my flight back to Toronto was still on time. I found a nice comfy spot on the floor at my gate near a power outlet and watched a couple of movies waiting for my 11:25am flight...

Plane left only 10 minutes late. Take off was incredibly smooth! The few times I've transferred in Chicago I had really windy take offs and landings. I was starting to hate that town! Glad to finally have a nice one :-) Toronto was another story. As soon as we broke through the clouds it was turbulent for the entire 30 minute decent. Uggghhh.

From Toronto it's an hour and a half drive back to our house. And wouldn't you know it... we hit a snow storm. So the highway was quite slow.

So I made it back home safe and sound at 5pm last night. Man, am I ever glad I don't travel all the time. I'm definitely a home-body :-)


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