I couldn't have planned this funnier if I tried

I run a men's Bible study here at the church on Monday nights. I've done this for years and I'm always trying to think of new ways to get men to come out to check it out and see what it's all about. One idea that was suggested to me was to put business cards in the men's bathroom with a blurb about the study. Not a bad idea so I went with it.

Next week we're starting a study called "Doing Business God's Way" by Patrick Morley at Man in the Mirror. This study is to help Christian men live out their faith in the workplace. Well, leave it to some of the teen guys to point out a study about doing "business" God's way in the men's room. I laughed my head off when I realized their meaning!

I guess this is one for those mixed up church bulletin announcements jokes that get emailed around :-)


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