Live from Saddleback Church!

Here I am. Sitting in the beautiful, sun-filled worship center of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California! What an incredible campus they have here. It's a lot smaller then I thought... maybe my trip to Willow Creek last year warped my perception of big churches :) The volunteers are SUPER friendly and incredibly helpful.

The first session starts in 10 minutes... just enough time to grab another coffee before it gets started :)

I'll be posting regularly throughout the conference. If anyone has any specific questions or stuff you'd like me to find out for you don't hesitate to drop me a line.


**** said…
Well, where are your comments?
Pastor Kevin said…
You're right! I've been slacking off on this one... I've been working like crazy on my papers for school and putting together some customized training for our Welcome Team and Ushers... Next week it's back to small groups so I'll blog more about it then.

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