This Should be Interesting...
Tonight I'll be going to a local Christian camp and giving a mini-message by the campfire.
When I was first asked about doing it, my gut response was to say "No thanks!" I really don't have any experience with teens. In fact, I would rather deal with a room full of porn-addicted 40 year old men then a room full of pre-puberty, hyper active 12 year old boys :-)
But, instead of just giving a NO, I figured the least I should do is pray about it... and I felt God's prompting to go...
So... without exactly a clear idea of what I'm going to talk about I'll go and see what God wants to do there tonight. This definitely should be interesting...
When I was first asked about doing it, my gut response was to say "No thanks!" I really don't have any experience with teens. In fact, I would rather deal with a room full of porn-addicted 40 year old men then a room full of pre-puberty, hyper active 12 year old boys :-)
But, instead of just giving a NO, I figured the least I should do is pray about it... and I felt God's prompting to go...
So... without exactly a clear idea of what I'm going to talk about I'll go and see what God wants to do there tonight. This definitely should be interesting...