What a Crazy Weekend

Phew. Glad it's Monday so I can relax and do something simple like work on the 5 000 items on my to do list here at the church :-)

We had a fun and crazy weekend at our house. We had most of my family visiting us for Cameron's birthday party. With 9 kids in the house and no basement to throw them down into it was quite the whirlwind!

Sunday's service was a lot of fun. With both our senior pastor and worship pastor away on vacation I had to step up and call the shots. That was quite exciting. Hopefully I didn't freak out our worship leader too bad by getting him to do the announcements, introduce the guest speaker and then do the closing remarks. He always does such a FANTASTIC job so I had no doubt of him doing these... even though, after the fact, he told me he's never done those before. Glad I could help him put something new on his resume!

Our Vacation Bible School kicked off this morning. Danielle and I had a bunch of stuff to prepare for that this weekend as well. She is in charge of the games for the preschoolers and I'm doing a short skit every morning where I play a cowboy and do some of the worship songs with the kids. We have nearly 200 kids here! So the place is really hopping! Great to see so many here. Now I REALLY need to get cracking and memorizing my lines for the closing drama which is on Thursday.


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