Neet Dream the Other Night

One thing about being up at my parent's place is the very weird and realistic dreams I have here. Maybe it's all the fresh country air or my blood being thinned out from all the time in the hot tube... not sure what it is but had an awesome dream the other night.

I dreamed we were just about to start our Sunday celebration service at LifeSpring. We meet in the community room of a local hockey arena that can sit around a hundred. Well, in the dream, just before we started, a few guests started showing up... and then more... and then even more. While the worship team started even more showed up that I was running around setting up chairs for everyone! I was preaching on the Greatest Commandment (which I'm actually doing this coming Sunday) and during the message ALL of the 200+ visitors accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour! Then we spent the afternoon baptising all these people and then trying to get all of them into LifeGroups to meet during the week!

Pretty cool dream! I love those dreams that just feel SOOO real. Every detail of it was accurate... right down to every detail of our meeting room. LOVED IT!

So that dream really is pushing my prayer time and leadership to the next level. Instead of praying for a small impact in our community I'm praying that HUNDREDS of people will come to know Jesus through the ministry of LifeSpring and the other churches in the area!


Unknown said…
From your title, I thought you were going to write about shaving your legs!!!!

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