What if we flipped this...

I recently read that the average church in North America allocates about 5% of their total budget on Missions and Evangelism. The rest of the money goes to pay staff and buildings and equipment and programs for church members like children and youth.

I can't help but wonder what would the world look like if we flipped that around... what if 95% of our church budgets went to reaching out to a lost and hurting world? What if our programs were not just about building ourselves up but were all about teaching us to obey everything that Jesus commanded so that we would go and make disciples of all the nations? What if 95% of churches' money was being poured back into our communities through the lives of people radically transformed by the message, power and love of Jesus Christ?

I wonder what that would look like... probably like the church I read about in my Bible.


Liz Dueck said…
Hey, Just dropped by to see how you guys are doing. I was glad to read this post, too. I've known of churches who do this but they're definitely the minority. Have you read "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan?
Thinking of your family and hoping you're encouraged.
Pastor Kevin said…

I'm reading Crazy Love now. Just loving it!

Thanks for the comments and the encouragement. Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying the summer.

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