Thanks Bill!

Tonight I went to the funeral of a man named Bill. I didn't know him well... in fact, I barely knew him at all... just a few meetings regarding some ministry possibilities... but there was something about this guy that really prompted me to want to pay my respects when I learned that he passed away last week.

I was reminded of a lot of different things tonight listening to story after story of the influence that Bill had on the lives of so many man.

First, God can use anyone for his glory! Bill wasn't perfect... but he had a huge love for his Savior and Lord. That love was his driving force for seeing as many men as possible coming to faith in Christ and grow in their relationship. He knew of his own need for forgiveness and shared that passionately with others around him. He didn't have a seminary degree, or ministry training or the latest technology or ministry know how... he just loved God so much... and God has been using that love for his glory and to impact hundreds of lives!

The second and most important is that churches should spend more and more time reaching out to guys like Bill! We just don't know who God is going to do great things threw! Everyone matters to God and everyone should matter to us! It's just too easy to get caught up in the day to day life of ministry and keeping everything status quo. It's very easy to just be focused on the people in our churches and forgetting that there are men and women out there like Bill... people that need Jesus and need the abundant life that he promises us! And when more and more people experience that truth the more vibrant and exciting our ministries become... not because of us but because of God's power and love!

So thanks Bill! Thanks for the life you lived and the passion you had to see men come to Jesus to experience that saving power that you experienced!


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