Hitting the Road Again

Yup. Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we're back in the car and heading off to Montreal for the weekend. We're dropping the kids off in Ottawa so they can go camping with their aunt and uncle and Danielle and I are hitting the Airport Hilton in Dorval for the weekend.

Friends of ours are getting married on Saturday. Looking forward to this one. It should be a real "collision of two worlds" for us. Turns out that the groom's family is all from Elmira, Ontario, the town where I'm now working as an associate pastor! In fact, I work with one of his cousins (she's the Director of Children's Ministry), his uncle was a former elder at the church, and a whole bunch of his relatives go to our church. And they're all heading down for the wedding as well.

It will be very weird and cool having friends from both worlds :) Yup... it really is a small world!

Also, we'll be at our Montreal church on Sunday, Westview Bible Church. I'll be doing a little something during the sermon... so I hope you'll be there :)


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