Thursday Night Brain Dump

As I'm getting ready to start a nice quick one week vacation I figured I'd just dump out a bunch of stuff floating around me head tonight...
  • Andrew, our Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts, ROCKS! I really enjoy working with this guy. Sure... he blames me for introducing new, more rock-type songs on Sunday morning, but I can take it :-)
  • I'm really looking forward to just spending time with Danielle and the kids over the next week. I sure hope our hotel has a pool...
  • I'm SO excited that our church is going to be hosting The Alpha Course this year. I'm a big fan of this and hope this will really get us more excited about reaching our community for Jesus.
  • I'm really glad I started collecting comic books again. I just love super hero stories. I just picked up the Planet Hulk deluxe hardcover book. This collects the entire Incredible Hulk story from the past year. Looking forward to reading this on my vacation.
  • I would really like to see an awesome Mighty Thor movie. I just read the first two issues of the new Thor comic series and really like where this is going.
  • I LOVE being an associate pastor! I can't even imagine still working in the computer consulting biz... But, I'm still just flat out amazed that God would choose a nobody like me for this position. I'm sure there must of been others SO much more qualified then I am for this job... Good thing I can count on Him for all things!
  • We'll be spending nearly 10 hours in the car tomorrow. And I'm strangely looking forward to it.
  • Simple Church by Thom Rainer is probably the most interesting and dangerous book I've read on church ministry. I just can't get it out of my head... I really need to see how this fits with my ministry responsibilities at Woodside...
  • Three more days till I'm back in Montreal! I need a decent poutine!!!
  • I'm hoping Wii remotes are cheaper in the US then Canada... with the AWESOME exchange rate I want to pick up two more remotes if this is the case.

I guess I should go finish packing. Can't forget to grab my Star Wars novels either... almost slipped my mind...


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