Random Start of Week Thoughts...

Monday morning, and the living is easy! :)

Actually, living has been quite crazy the last few weeks. Our ministry year kick-off is September 9th and I have tons to do to get ready for that. Not to mention all the work I've been doing around the house as well. Here is a quite brain dump before I head off to the church and attack this week.
  • I hate All Bran cereal. I've been trying to eat this stuff on a regular basis in order to help me get my cholesterol under control. I'm sure it's been doing that but it's like have a mouthful of dry grass. Ugh! I should probably start putting it in yogurt or something...

  • I thought the worship service yesterday was awesome! I loved Andrew's choice of songs... not easy to do since we had a guest speaker and weren't sure where he was completely going with his subject... but it all worked out great.

  • We're starting the Alpha Course at our church this September. This has really started to create a buzz around the church. I'm really pumped to see what God is going to do with this!

  • My basement is nearly finished! I just have a few touch ups of paint to do, and one part of the ceiling needs a third coat... The carpet had been ordered and should be installed next week! Then I just quickly do the baseboards then move the furniture in! Can't wait!

  • Watched my first baseball game on TV this weekend. It was Friday's Blue Jays' game against the Orioles. Good game. I'm quickly becoming a baseball fan.

  • This week I need to work on our membership class, small groups, adult Sunday school, and Alpha. Doesn't sound like much, but that's just the stuff I know about :) I'm sure they're will be more once I get starting...

  • Heading back to Montreal this weekend. We're going to a wedding. We're dropping the kids off in Ottawa and we'll be staying in a hotel just the two of us. Will be like a second honeymoon :)

  • We live in such a nice neighbourhood. I'm so grateful for the friends we've been making here. It sure had made the move be an easier transition.

  • Can't believe it's almost a year since I've been here! Crazy!


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