201 and Brain Dump

This post is my 201st entry on this blog. Gee... I wonder where my head will be after another 200 posts :)

Here's a bit of a brain dump this morning.
  • Danielle's mom is doing great after her surgery! Turns out they did SIX bypasses! She should be home tomorrow. She'll need 24/7 monitoring for the next two weeks so we're working out our schedules to accommodate that.
  • I think I'm coming down with a cold. Darn it. I can't be sick this week. I REALLY need to be studying on my midterm and a running nose won't help that.
  • I have the greatest wife in the world! With all that she is doing to help her mom she wanted to be a part in helping me dealing with my stresses (which, to be honest, I was trying to keep from her to help her dealing with her mom).
  • I'm so happy that Danielle and I are in a small group together again. It's been years since we've been in a group together... I was in a men's group and she in a ladies group. Those were great for building some fantastic relationships but there's nothing like learning about God together as a family. I'm looking forward to getting to know these families better.
  • Saturday was our Alpha Weekend Day. I thought it went fantastic! The weather was beautiful for our horse drawn wagon ride. The food was great. The topics were challenging and created some great discussion.
  • My son Cameron is a natural stage ham! I had a chance to catch some of this rehearsal for a Christmas play he's in... and he's awesome! He must get this showmanship from his mother :)
  • Did I mention I REALLY don't want to be sick this week?
  • I wasn't able to make it to the Promise Keepers event this weekend. Which was fine since I got to be involved with the Alpha day instead on Saturday... I would have liked to see the guys from Montreal though. Oh well.


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