Gotta Find an Outlet Somewhere...

For over 15 years I was part of a FANTASTIC group of people who put on a great show for a great cause. It started with a simple phone call to repay a favor and turned into a life changing experience. The group is The Becket Players and each year they put on a Broadway style musical and a cabaret show to raise money to buy hospital equipment for the Montreal Children's Hospital and other children charities.

And the awesome bonus was meeting my wife there :)

Sure, since Danielle and I had the kids, we've had to scale back on how much we were involved... but there was always a little something that we were doing to continue being a part of it.

However, not being involved in the show this past year since we've moved away was a bit of a drag. And not even being able to work out the schedule to get to Montreal to see it was even worst! We've met some great friends over the years in this group and really miss each of them.

I don't think Elmira will ever completely feel like home until I find something, ANYTHING, so that I can get some of my wacky and artsy side out. I just can't imaging the church letting me put on the baby blue tux for next Sunday's announcements. With the Becket Players I've done everything from stage crew, technical crew, microphones, lighting, set design, kitchen, waitering, directing, acting, singing, MCing, and even a little tap dancing! And I loved every bit of it.

So, here's to hoping that I can find something similar around here... and for my Becket friends who are already hard at work for next April's show, "One! Two! Three! ALLLLRRIIGGGHHTTT!". This year we're getting down there to see it!


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