Why Do I Think Too Much??

I'm sitting in my office at the church... the first service is about to end... and my mind is racing on everything and not much of it is on trying to meet with God this morning. I really hate Sundays like this... when I'm more concerned with the ministry then spending some great time with God. This is happening more and more and I'm really not having a time of worshipping God on Sundays... all I do is wonder and worry about the people he keeps sending here to Woodside.

I end up just looking around and wondering if we're really making a difference in people's lives... or are we just playing church? I see so many new faces and wonder if they'll ever get connected here or will they be gone next week and never seen again? I wonder about all the young dads (and there are TONS of them)... will they be godly husbands and fathers or will they become the statistic of another failed marriage? Are people truly growing in a meaningful relationship with God and each other... or are they just going through the motions?

Maybe it's just the stress of this past week with my mother-in-law's surgery... maybe the stress of a mid-term this week... maybe I'm getting a cold... or maybe it's that Holy Discontent that Hybels talks about... I'm not sure what it is but I feel like my head will explode with how much I think and think and think about the people of our church family here.


Dave said…
Hey bud!

Nice post. Dave's take:

1. Stop thinking? Might as well buy a white caddy, die your hair blond, slick it back and wear a white suit. Once you give up thinking, it's a short leap to burning down an abortion clinic...

2. "God", "Allah", "Frodo" can be worshiped any day of the week. Sunday is just another day - don't get hung up on a calendar. I think the sabbath is Saturday anyways (you bunch of xtian heathens :))

3. "I end up just looking around and wondering if we're really making a difference in people's lives... or are we just playing church?" I liked this quote - I think most churches are just playing church. More interested in being the biggest, shiniest, holiest church around... Go back to the teachings of Jesus, even a hell-bound non-believer like myself can appreciates the message of love your neighbor. I think modern churches are nothing more then the temples that Jesus abhors thru out the NT.

4. Young fathers - forget the meaningful relationship with god. How about you get things right withing the family first, focus on practical skills like budgeting, coping with kids, a wife and work. Time in a church basement looking for god is time away from the family.

Scenario 1:
Timmy: Where's dad?
Mom: At church looking for god.
Timmy: Again? Gee, I wish he was here to help with my math homework.

Scenario 2:
Timmy: Where's dad?
Mom: At the bar looking getting drunk.
Timmy: Again? Gee, I wish he was here to help with my math homework.

This may seem far fetched, but I had a similar conversation with a young man about a year ago. (Scenario 1 - not 2)

Last point: stress - yup! Sick MIL and mid terms... rough!

I encourage you to keep thinking, questioning the role of the church. That is how you can make a difference, if it helps a handful of people, even if they ain't "saved" you've made a difference. That is all you can do right?

Keep up the good fight

Dave still loves you :)
Dave said…
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Pastor Kevin said…
Thanks for the love Dave! Much appreciated :)

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